In an interview last May, he said all eggs had been harvested from volunteers without payment.
In Indonesia, for example, large multi-national pulp companies have harvested large areas of natural forest without regard for regeneration.
The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged, the officials said.
The grown salmon were easily harvested without damage.
Scentwood grew slowly from the utter depths; only when it reached this height could it be harvested without unconscionable damage to the mother-tree.
Moveon raised $250,000 in five days and has harvested another $240,000 since, without any further solicitation.
They rebuilt in secrecy, using wood harvested without killing trees.
I think it's very difficult to have a policy that basically says if you haven't filled in the form, your organs can be harvested without your permission.
Bamboo can be harvested without the need to replant because the root system is left intact when it is harvested.
Xanga was found to have harvested private information from children under the age of 13 without consent of parents for commercial profit.