The company cut the center's monthly bills to $40,000 from $100,000 and still made healthy margins.
By a healthy margin the doctor's expression was the most surprised.
This year, the goal was to beat that number by a healthy margin.
Right now the Secret Service is number one, by a very healthy margin.
Still, Armstrong won the tour by 2 minutes, a healthy enough margin after 1,130 miles.
Four years ago, they campaigned seriously in Florida and won by a healthy margin.
He caught up to the leaders at the 36 km mark and soon led by a healthy margin.
He also leads his team by a healthy margin with a plus-16 mark, and has been penalized for only 22 minutes.
A close look reveals a healthy margin for potential profit.
If Cameron wants to win with a healthy margin, he'll have to preach a kind of hope which has not won an election since 1945.