There are far more healthy puppies in the world than there are good homes for them, so you'll be doing any puppy a favor by adopting him.
The smell of wet, healthy puppies?
Later on, two healthy puppies were delivered.
All healthy puppies grow quickly after birth.
It was only after the publicity surrounding the promotion of culling that they reversed their code of ethics to say "no healthy puppy will be culled."
Even if we put her in biostasis and wait till the science matures, we'll just wind up with a healthy, smart new puppy in Wendy's body.
They have since revised their code of ethics to say "no healthy puppy will be culled."
He caught a glimpse of one that looked as big as a healthy six-week puppy.
An Irish Setter who gives birth to 9 healthy puppies.
Unassisted birth of healthy puppies is the norm.