The band had gone to their stations so the ship was oddly quiet as she heaved forward on the big swells.
Captain Ball heaved forward ponderously, his paunch well in the lead.
As the words left the captain's mouth, the Toknor heaved suddenly forward, then shook with a violence even he was not prepared for.
The trac heaved forward with a lurch and a roar.
As the bus heaved forward, The Shadow found that throat and gripped.
With Linden's support, he was able to heave forward against the heavy stream.
Lancelot's bulky shoulders heaved forward as he rose from the stool.
A second later he heaved forward and collapsed to the floor.
But before I could recover myself or answer, another man had stepped up boldly, heaving forward his ivory leg and foot.
Heaving forward, he squinted at Aahz, then drew back in terror.