As mentioned, it premiered the helmet cam to TV audiences.
The helmet cam . . . I get dizzy if I watch it.
But there was definitely a helmet cam.
ATC2K is an acronym for the Oregon Scientific All-Terrain-Camera 2000, a pocket-sized camera which can be used as a helmet cam or action cam.
Kelmer stepped into the cabin and stood at the end of the line of troopers, recording with his helmet cam.
The helmet cam moves with the head of the driver, being drawn from side to side as the car takes corners and jerking forward when the player crashes.
Their partner had to act as their eyes by looking a video screen that displayed the scene captured by the helmet cam.
Cost for a tandem flight is $250 with a video of your flight taken with a "helmet cam," or $200 without the video.
He hoped his helmet cam was recording this.
We've lost main feed from his helmet cam.