Many such donors also ask that their gifts be used to help other newcomers to the United States.
The is also an active community that, while small, is growing in size and is willing to help newcomers with coding or recommendations.
This vocabulary list, though far from comprehensive, will help newcomers to the computer culture compuspeak with the best.
And that's all the better, she said, to help newcomers with the struggles that many members know all too well.
He organized a unit to help newcomers to the camp overcome shock and grief.
Several services, Web sites and tools have also sprung up to help newcomers.
Longstanding members are encouraged to share their success with the Recovery methods to help newcomers.
And numerous resources are available to help both newcomers and veteran Medicare users.
But shouldn't you be out catching criminals, not helping newcomers?
Continue to make positive lifestyle changes and attend meetings whenever you need ongoing support or would like to help newcomers.