City officials say the infusion of high-income residents is adding balance to the makeup of the downtown.
The Town of Crows Nest remains a wooded enclave of high-income residents.
The complex was thus initially a mixed-housing initiative earmarked for both high-income and low-income residents, including renters and leasers.
More expensive low-rise housing is being built, to attract more middle- and high-income residents.
"He's probably right but for the fact that this is a registered restricted commune and those high-income residents turn every credit of their salaries over to the Center."
The Hunts plan to expand the concept to up to 20 Drylands in other central London neighbourhoods associated with high-income residents.
Some sections of West County are inhabited by pro athletes, professionals and new wealth, creating a large area of high-income residents.
The advantage to raising income taxes is that the increases fall most heavily on high-income residents, who are best able to pay.
The area has some of the highest crime rates in Miami for an area that has a substantial amount of middle- and high-income residents.
Gang members found income supplying drugs to the hippies, and eventually high-income residents who came to Oakwood from affluent areas as crack cocaine arrived.