He is renowned for representing the wives of male celebrities in high-profile divorces.
In addition to high-profile divorces, Tooth and his firm also handle cases that prevent the removal or dissipation of assets and domestic violence as well.
His high-profile divorce from second wife Joni Evans made headlines in 1990.
Their high-profile divorce made headlines in 1990.
In high-profile divorces, angry ex-spouses often turn in evidence for revenge, he said, even when the financial impact boomerangs.
In July 2003, Sugimoto went through a high-profile divorce from her husband of 11 years.
He led the Padres to the 1984 National League Championship before a high-profile divorce ended his Presidency in 1987.
Mr. Giuliani fits the stereotype for the high-profile divorce in New York: the alpha male dumping his wife after he gains power or money.
In a high-profile divorce in 1993, Fred Couples claimed his wife spent nearly $300,000 on polo the previous year.
She largely stayed out of the limelight, raising her two children after her high-profile divorce in 2004.