Again, you are reciting a highly simplistic notion of human nature.
This highly simplistic view omits many other influences such as the stages in an interaction, familiarity and the individuals' perceptions.
This is a highly simplistic classification: each major zone is divided into subzones, and there are transitional vegetation types.
Nonetheless, as television news becomes watered down, highly simplistic, and focuses mostly on sensational events (especially if they come with video footage), is anyone concerned?
Attempted cores turn out to be highly simplistic generalisations that satisfy very few people, but carry many dogmatic messages which are in fact controversial and so therefore masquerade as being objective.
The magazine's editors used what they acknowledged was a highly simplistic methodology in selecting its top 50 schools, and even they wonder about the list's value.
This theory views concept learning as highly simplistic.
More often, though, critics call the book "didactic and highly simplistic" (Kakutani, the New York Times ).
But instead of focusing on serious matters, we prefer a simple, or rather a highly simplistic and ineffectual solution.
To sum up, the report before us offers a highly simplistic view of European social reality, with smatterings of a certain demagogy.