This work, directed by Mark Murphy, was performed too an international audience in the historic surroundings of Edinburgh Castle.
While "no one will be fooled that the building hasn't been here for hundreds of years," she observed, "it harmonizes with its historic surroundings."
The doctor nodded civilly, half thinking that the stranger's un- common greeting was perhaps in deference to the historic surroundings.
The Czech Republic has also been popular with touring sides, because of its relatively low beer prices, and historic surroundings.
The finals take place later in the week when the last 32 teams will battle it out in the historic surroundings of the Oxford Union.
About the only way in which it acknowledged its historic surroundings was with a large ship's figurehead sculpture at the base.
The average charge for an overnight stay in such historic surroundings was £16 for the four of us, including breakfast.
Since its founding in 1916, the NPS sought to design and build visitor facilities without visually interrupting the natural or historic surroundings.
Head to the Cobweb Inn for its friendly staff serving excellent locally-sourced food in historic surroundings.
The campus was to be transformed by a £35 million redevelopment, which would have combined the College with shops, offices and flats built to complement its historic surroundings.