I imagine over the next 12 to 18 months, I'll probably hold equity in 10 to 15 companies.
Initially the Birlas, the Tatas and AT&T Wireless each held one-third equity in the company.
In 2010, the Universitas 21 shareholding was diluted to 25 per cent, with only 10 universities continuing to hold equity [1].
Only active curlers are allowed to hold equity in the club.
The 401(k) retirement plan has long been a popular way for employees to hold equity in the companies they work for.
It is India's only State Government-owned oil and gas company with the Government of Gujarat holding approximately 95% equity stake.
BTC is a parastatal in which the Botswana government holds 100% equity.
This reminds me, the lower your employee number down here, the higher your status-and the more likely you are to hold equity.
One of the five partners, William Liederman, said Mr. Mantle also holds equity in the restaurant, "so the more money it makes, the better he does."
"You mentioned earlier that your enemies held equity in Peace Eternal," said Thomas.