Retracting all form of root structure, it had adopted its present horizontal mode of living.
They're especially prominent when the Droid is in horizontal mode.
Previous ships had had their engines mounted in horizontal mode, so that they would be completely protected below the waterline.
In the horizontal mode, crew members walked along an aisle leading through the tail, which would be the exit-entry path at a space station or on the ground after a runway landing.
The crew in their protective gear muttered about it being bloody unnatural to move through the rank and file, lowering each to the horizontal mode.
When open in horizontal mode (left side down) it displays only album art, with three others tilted to each side, like the iPhone and iTunes.
The horizontal modes of transmission are not well defined but are thought to require close contact.
Many of the 42 units were therefore carved out in a vertical rather than a horizontal mode, multilevel style or as actual duplexes and triplexes.
In horizontal mode, it mimics the Photos application on the phone, allowing you to flick from one slide to the next.
She felt the slight shift as the car veered to horizontal mode.