On his head he wore a horse skull with horns, around his neck a scarlet scorpion.
As part of the larger folk tradition of concealing objects in structures, horse skulls are related to concealed shoes, dried cats, and witch bottles.
Source of the name "Horsehead" has been attributed to horse skulls said to have marked the banks.
The chariot grave contained a horse skull, three pots, two bridle cheek pieces, and points of spears and arrows.
Cathbad - Chief druid who wears a horse skull and has a strong dislike of Ukko.
In the spire, immediately over the bell, a small chamber was discovered, without any opening, and in it, nearly filling the cavity, were three horse skulls.
According to Davis' bio on his website, they have a cat, a rabbit, two ferrets, and a couple of horse skulls named Becky and Conrad.
Someone covered in a white sheet and carrying a decorated horse skull (representing the Láir Bhán) would lead a group of youths, blowing on cow horns, from house to house.
Analysis of horse skulls found in Hungarian warriors graves has not revealed any significant difference between these horses and Western breeds.
And anyway Willie the groom down at the stables has promised me a real horse skull.