There was a sandy wind howling outside, grating at the cloth covering of the wagon.
There's a mob howling outside, half of them gold cloaks who came with him when we left the Mud Gate.
"As long as there's ocean and sand and people, there will be a Coney Island," he said, smiling over the wind howling just outside.
Then a coyote howled outside, a outside the door of the room Brian was in.
A gust of wind howled outside, and a flock of dead leaves pecked at her window.
The wind howled outside, brushing the skeletal leaves in the dead trees as it rushed by the lodge.
An excitement she didn't dare define, yet as wild as the wind howling outside, filled her.
Wind howled outside, and rain drummed on the varnished silk roof.
The wind howled outside, battering the heights of the western mountains and bringing winter in its wake.
Wind howled outside, and was cut off when the door shut.