If this dying man is truly penitent, we two together humbly pray Thee to have mercy on him!
This parable demonstrates the need to pray humbly.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray:
In your son's name, we humbly pray, so you do this little thing for us.
Some worshippers spend the nights humbly praying or in meditation at the church door.
As Abraham Lincoln told us, I want to pray humbly that we are on God's side.
In faith to thee we humbly pray:
Sir, I most humbly pray you to deliver This to my lord the King.
"The facts about Him who is the source of all wisdom and righteousness, and to whom we humbly pray for guidance."
It should then be natural to continue: "And therefore we humbly pray thee, most merciful Father", etc.