His use of this particular phrase made me wonder if perhaps he had some humorous insight into his obsessive preoccupation with the porcine species.
Running Mates was intended to give the viewers a somewhat realistic although humorous and exaggerated insight into politics and decision making of presidential campaigns.
He described the writing as "simple, lean, and humorous [...] full of veteran wisdom, play experience, and practical insight into gamer behavior".
Potter's humorous insights into academic life were widely praised.
Passion was one of the featured guests in the 2012 Morgan Spurlock film Mansome, offering humorous insight into the world of competitive facial hair.
Her columns for the magazine became popular for their critical and humorous insight into Danish life.
Although he enjoyed Bono's humorous insights, Zeitchik said that "much of the movie is abstract, insider stuff about how he and others find inspiration".
The film shuns the conventional visual structure of a music documentary and gives an often humorous insight into the band and the two men at its core.
ABTA Magazine called it an "adventurous and humorous insight in to the Japanese countryside."
In the short film Baker's Men, by Harriette Yahr, two little girls de-construct the rhyme coming up with humorous yet poignant insights about it.