There was a rattle of ice shards as he removed a pair of glistening bottles.
On her hands and knees, the sobbing girl fought her way through the ice shards in search of the boy.
Ralfnir plowed through the pile of ice shards and kept coming.
Calmly, he swept the ice shards into his palm and onto a napkin.
There was the minute sound of breaking ice shards.
It was brittle as ice shards breaking- 'Have you no ceremony among your folk for this?
"People don't like to be teased," Rickie said mildly, staring at his handful of ice shards.
A blizzard of ice shards sprayed away on either side of the hulls.
The Security Arm man stopped to brush the ice shards from his uniform.
He watched Carlotta stirring the orange ice shards in her noisy drink.