They were mythical, said to worship only the god Apollo, and to live an idyllic existence.
Would killing Morris really be worth sacrificing this idyllic existence?
Now everything seemed to have come to such an abrupt end, reality crashing in on their idyllic existence.
The few residents live a seemingly idyllic existence, not unlike how many Singaporeans did before the development frenzy.
It would have been an idyllic existence for a lobotomy case.
He lives an idyllic existence, swimming with the river dolphins.
This idyllic existence is doomed when Manisha walks into their lives.
For the next two letters told of an almost idyllic and peacetime existence.
Were they always successful in keeping white men at a distance they would continue to enjoy the peace and security of their idyllic existence.
The residents of the Home, by contrast, led an almost idyllic existence.