The Queen ignored precedent to bow to Diana's coffin as it passed Buckingham Palace and also gave a live television broadcast paying tribute to Diana.
At the end of the 1960s, Johnstons ignored precedent and invested in knitwear manufacturing.
The conservative justices seem to have grown comfortable reading the Constitution in ways that ignore precedent, past practice and the considered judgment of other government institutions.
In a dissenting opinion, Justice Clarence Thomas accused the majority of seeking a "claim to the moral high ground" while ignoring precedent and showing unjustified favoritism toward "habeas plaintiffs over other plaintiffs."
Once again the king ignored precedent to place my Lady Lostris close to him at the banquet table, even moving one of his senior wives to make a place for her.
Minimalists claim that conservatives who subscribe to originalism are likely to ignore precedent where it is convenient for conservative political aims.
Chief Judge Patricia Wald, who wrote the 1986 opinion, tartly accused her conservative colleagues of ignoring legal precedent, the will of Congress and common sense in questioning the center's right to bring the case.
Still, so few decisions are reviewed by the Supreme Court or an en banc panel that some judges may feel free to ignore precedent without significant fear of reversal.
But you ignore historical precedent.
It's disheartening that President Obama has ignored historical precedent with these appointments.