He was still unstable, but slightly less murderous than before, and so proved immensely helpful in the quest.
Appropriate guidance by Government agencies and their delegates would be immensely helpful to all if imposed properly.
Talking to other people to find out how they plan to tackle the challenges as well as the opportunities of retirement can be immensely helpful.
Support groups are found to be immensely helpful for patients dealing with major lifestyle changes and poor health.
It was immensely helpful to us, she did not use it to binge drink and nor do most others.
His appointment books and many patient records, which would have been immensely helpful in the investigation, were destroyed when he closed his practice.
One day while cleaning out my desk, I got an idea that proved to be immensely helpful.
And properly monitored, she says, advice from one's peers can be immensely helpful, "the equivalent of talking round the village pump".
Yes, okay, label them, and were actually kept with the video recorders, that would be immensely helpful.
On his own ground, Locke was knowledgeable and immensely helpful.