Nine years ago, before you came to Zarathustra, we had an immigration boom.
Another immigration boom to this region started in 1875.
Well, you got here, and so did he, after it was over, but just be-fore that we had a big immigration boom.
The area's beginnings are rooted in the restaurant business, as many Chinese restaurants surfaced soon after the immigration boom.
Nevertheless, the immigration boom intensified throughout the 50s and 60s with the onset of the Cultural Revolution.
Predominately white, working-class families that had filled the urban core during the European immigration boom in the 19th century moved to the suburbs.
Neither the fiscal crises nor the "immigration boom" accounts for the deterioration of Boys High.
The report suggested that the trend had generally continued among Mexican-Americans, the country's largest immigrant group, even during the immigration boom of the 1990's.
"New Jersey has always been an immigration gateway, and it is getting a large share of what is a far more heterogeneous immigration boom."
East Selkirk saw a huge immigration boom in the latter part of the 19th century and the early part of the 20th century.