Since 2000, Spain has experienced high population growth as a result of immigration flows, despite a birth rate that is only half the replacement level.
That's the immigration flow to expand.
He wants to keep the immigration flow not just limited, and not just higher-skilled, but also mostly white.
As the immigration flow of the 80's continued, plans to close the center were abandoned and Krome's population rose to as many as 800 people.
Understanding such dynamics and predicting immigration flows are becoming increasingly important in formulating policy.
Aside from the connections between two countries, the case of Korean grocers illustrates how connections at a more personal level can affect immigration flows.
My major goal," Senator Simpson said, "was to direct more of the immigration flow to the skilled, employer-based immigrant - the guy ready to work.
So much for the study of the phenomenon of immigration flows.
The troubled times that the European Union is experiencing demand appropriate management of immigration flows.
The Commission shares the view that improved cooperation at European level is crucial to manage immigration flows.