Mr. Kaufman, who has a crop of dark hair and intense brown eyes, often gestures broadly to make a point in his nearly impeccable English.
She found herself between two youngish men who spoke impeccable English and were flatteringly attentive.
"I'm still not sure if I learned to talk or work horses first," said the 27-year-old in impeccable English.
Bacquier explained the situation to her in impeccable English.
He speaks impeccable English except on television, where he affects a thick accent to be a more creditable spokesman.
We were sent to window 10, and were helped by a lady who spoke impeccable English.
Their laughter subsided only when the strange animal, who spoke impeccable English, brought its hidden faculties into play.
"I never viewed my profession solely as a source of income," he said in his accented but impeccable English.
"We were expected to speak impeccable English."