Almost exactly a year later, a nearly identical bombing happened in Tyre.
The king knows whether you installed me as commissioner in Tyre.
The sick and injured have instead been taken to hospitals in Tyre.
But her busiest years were those she spent in Tyre from 1947 to 1965.
Years back, in Tyre, he tried all the gods, and one after another they had failed him.
They came from a small fine family household in Tyre; they'd been born slaves.
As yet, however, there had been no blood shed in Tyre, though all knew that it must come.
The girl only, not her property in Tyre, wherever that may be, which you can keep for yourself.
There, he finished his secondary education at the public school in Tyre.
He means to do what you ask, when his pride has salved itself in Tyre.