It is second in popularity in Mexico and the company's third best seller in the U.S.
Today's readers may be more familiar with Guthrie's screenplay for "Shane," but they will recognize similar elements in his first best seller.
The tragedy was chronicled in Jon Krakauer's best seller, "Into Thin Air."
In this new novel, as in his best seller, "The Horse Whisperer," Nicholas Evans explores the interplay of man and nature.
Linda Greenlaw first came into the public eye in Sebastian Junger's best seller, "The Perfect Storm."
In her get-even best seller, she's had her turn, but the pity is they will never have theirs.
Protestant missionary Josiah Strong, in his best seller of 1885 Our Country elucidated these obligations.
Between thirty and forty such games (as well as variations of each) were described and tabulated in Berne's best seller on the subject.
"Nowadays the style is to hide death from view," explains Sherwin B. Nuland in his best seller, "How We Die."