Both the men had beds of wood, raised above the floor and covered in rugs.
Motifs from students' family histories will be used in rugs.
And the so-called "Boetti style" took on a commercial life of its own in rugs.
Once more darkness came, and this night, notwithstanding the cold, we spent wrapped in rugs, on the roof of the house.
Most homes, however, have at least a portion of the floor covered in carpeting or rugs.
The gallery does not specialize in hooked rugs, but it always has a few on hand.
He designed patterns for many of the curtains in the house, as well as several rugs.
Probably the most common and found in rugs from a broad cross-section of weaving groups.
The lamps had been lit by his slaves; the floor was covered in rugs and cloth.
They were all rolled up in shower curtains, rugs, and sheets.