He based his AdminiTrack software on developed in-depth insights into what worked for software development teams and what companies required for bug tracking.
It is about some of the most successful companies of Silicon Valley and an in-depth insight into the story behind the founders, including anecdotes and other stories.
The implementation requires in-depth insights on the architecture of the organization as well as of the product itself, before it can be aligned.
The article provides a unique, in-depth insight into the burgeoning problem of child pornography and the efforts of the U.S. adult entertainment industry to keep children safe.
However these questions do not allow the participant to give in-depth insights.
This begins with a three week induction course, including car theory, practise and tests and an in-depth insight to the AAC.
Unlike surveys or polls that produce quantitative, number-driven data, focus groups provide more in-depth, qualitative insights into a topic and collect a range of information.
A study collection offers interested museum visitors the opportunity to experience an in-depth insight into the collection.
Metabolic network reconstruction and simulation allows for an in-depth insight into the molecular mechanisms of a particular organism.
Publishing house Fourth Horseman Press has released Back to Frank Black (2012), a book offering in-depth insight into the production of the series.