Shanghai's fast-disappearing old quarters drip with charm, but they are also full of problems, from cramped living spaces that have been subdivided over the years to inadequate heating and plumbing.
Some lack meeting rooms and computer terminals, a few have inadequate heating and air-conditioning and perennially leaky roofs.
It had few toilet facilities, poor ventilation, no conveniences for cooking the meager meals, and inadequate heating.
Overcrowding, poor sanitation, inadequate heating, and a lack of medical care led to high rates of influenza and tuberculosis; in one school, death rates reached 69%.
Flaws in the construction process, inadequate heating, pest infestation and unsafe design were among some of the problems occupants faced.
Since their arrival in Burston, the Higdons had complained about conditions in the school, particularly the dampness, inadequate heating and lighting, lack of ventilation and general unhygienic conditions.
Or it could have been the inadequate heating.
Some of the smaller hospitals had no radiology services, and a few had inadequate heating or water.
Q. I am informed that there is a New York City agency where complaints can be made when there is inadequate heating during cold weather.