Workers, often seeking protection from competition; middle managers, even the unnecessary; the local community, including extreme environmentalists.
Recent protests have had supporters from not just the local area but diverse communities including New age travellers, environmentalists, and the rural wealthy.
They also said it would provide a new weapon to groups including environmentalists and labor unions that would use these votes to promote narrow agendas.
Opponents, including environmentalists, have had good reason to block it.
What's more, the park's strongest advocates are feuding among themselves, including environmentalists who stood together against Westway.
A host of specialists, including economists, environmentalists and United Nations officials, say the challenge this year is more daunting than ever.
Yet the Ivy League school is also a favorite target of many locals, including labor unions, housing advocates and environmentalists.
Many groups, including urban artists, local homeless, dog-walkers, teenagers, and environmentalists, use the Bulb area and feel they have a stake in it.
The move has given renewed hope to some that the government can have a constructive dialogue with members of civil society - including opposition activists and environmentalists.
Sure, biofuels are supported by diverse interest groups, including environmentalists, automakers and America-first defense hawks.