It grows in many types of moist habitat, including meadows, marshes, and roadsides.
The breeding habitat is a variety of wetlands including marshes, lakes, and damp heather moors.
In addition the various sites cover many types of natural terrain and flora including forests, marshes, and beaches.
The islands create multiple unique environments of wetland systems including marshes, estuaries, and lagoons.
Some areas of the world have already lost 90 percent of their wetlands, including marshes.
However, rattlesnakes can also be found in a wide variety of other habitats including prairies, marshes, deserts, and forests.
The snake can be found in many different habitats, including marshes, meadows, the edges of streams, and open woods.
This species usually inhabits damp areas including ponds, lakes, marshes and rivers.
It occurs in many types of habitat, including prairie, marshes, dunes, and disturbed areas.
There are a variety of natural habitats on Anglesey including mudflats, dunes, marshes, and beaches.