Her funeral was attended by an estimated 300 mourners including relatives, neighbors, politicians and members of the public touched by the case.
More than 40 people attended, he said, including neighbors and migrant workers who had heard by word of mouth about the planned services.
Several dozen people spoke for and against the plan, including many artists, architects, neighbors of the museum and prominent figures who had not spoken out on the issue before.
During his ordeal, he said, he saw other victims he knew, including neighbors and a shop owner.
Mr. Jovanovic, a microbiology student who spent 20 months in prison, has garnered the sympathy of people including neighbors and newspaper columnists.
Epidemiologists have collected blood samples from many other people, including neighbors in the village and those who did not attend the wedding.
Songkran is traditionally a time to visit and pay respects to elders, including family members, friends, neighbors, and monks.
Others may also share responsibility for Elisa's death, including neighbors who knew of the beatings but looked the other way.
Social capital in action can be seen in all sorts of groups, including neighbors keeping an eye on each other's homes.
The guests, including Mr. Allen and other neighbors and family and friends, filed into the street just before 2 a.m.