Half of the victims were Spanish, including nuns and a priest doing voluntary work in the former Spanish colony, she said.
After the fall of the village, most of its inhabitants (including nuns and priests) were killed by Abkhaz formations and their allies (see Kamani massacre).
Set in sub-tropical Queensland, the novel examines the relationships between suburban Brisbanites including a priest, nuns and a couple and their teenage son.
Refugees say advocates of independence are routinely jailed and tortured, including many Buddhist monks and nuns.
Republicans did likewise to Franco sympathisers, including some 7000 priests, monks and nuns.
About 300 Nebraskans are on the group's mailing list, including nuns and priests.
According to the Basques, 250 civilians died on 31 March, including the priest, nuns and congregation of a church ceremony.
The encyclopedia also states that tens of thousands of others were killed there, including many Polish priests and nuns.
True, many Catholic Poles including priests and nuns died at Auschwitz, along with 2.5 million Jews.
Since announcing the referendum, the government issued Law No 1/2008, which denies voting rights to members of religious orders, including monks and nuns.