It is read across all sectors of the drinks industry including producers, distributors, restaurants, hotels, pubs and retailers.
The seven have denied charges of plotting to bomb targets including pubs and nightclubs.
The town's main source of income is still the tourist industry, so many recreational places have been established, including restaurants, pubs and cafés.
The high street contains a number of community facilities including shops, pubs, restaurants and a dentist.
Earlier this year, Ireland passed a ban on smoking in all workplaces, including pubs and restaurants, which will take effect in 2004.
The plaza is faced on both sides by various storefronts including cafes, pubs and salons.
- to ban smoking from all workplaces, including pubs.
Cronulla has many attractions including an independent cinema, nightclubs, pubs and bars.
Special pricing rules apply to certain types of business including retailers, restaurants, pubs and garages.