"It's an incontrovertible fact, and nobody has ever come up with any strong or clear answers on the issue."
This is an incontrovertible fact that both liberals and conservatives seem to have agreed upon.
It is both an incontrovertible fact and a definite step up in terms of retail options for the neighborhood.
The idea has had a good press, and to-day everyone is talking of European decadence as if it were an incontrovertible fact.
They also attest to one incontrovertible fact in this often contentious field.
It is an incontrovertible fact that organisms have changed, or evolved, during the history of life on Earth.
But in the middle of it all we do have one incontrovertible fact - that fishing boat did vanish.
An equally incontrovertible fact is that this was a mistake and we are paying the consequences.
The conspiracy was now an incontrovertible fact for Duncan.
The only incontrovertible fact of my work is the importance of life.