The closely related Purpurocardia was for long included here as a subgenus, but is increasingly considered distinct.
Electronic medical records are increasingly considered essential to maintaining the highest quality of medical care.
The first half of the 18th century did not mind this too much, but in later generations, this was increasingly considered a fault.
Practice facilitation is increasingly considered a promising means for improving primary care.
The old wooden cars were increasingly considered antiquated.
Todd Bentley is increasingly considered a false prophet by Christian communities.
And recording stars whose music is featured on soundtracks are increasingly considered lures to the box office, even if they don't appear in the movie.
When even reclusiveness is increasingly considered an affectation, why should a policeman-blogger like Night think himself above being named?
The possibility that the 'stagnant' naming would hinder development of the region in the late 1800s is increasingly considered.
"The idea of having disclosure and having the compensation committee set such performance goals is increasingly considered smart business policy."