That's to say, he makes no funny faces to indicate disapproval, outrage, or even incredulity.
Sirella made a sound that Darok took to indicate disapproval, though not with him specifically.
The agency's chairman recently indicated disapproval of the Mayor's plan to exclude police, firefighters and teachers from staff reductions - a point well taken.
The spider used Craft to make a harsh, buzzing sound that indicated severe disapproval.
She was not sure whether his expression indicated disapproval or awe.
Both parties know that it indicates disapproval but they can pretend otherwise.
Jean stared at me in an expressionless way that might have indicated disapproval.
The question particle 呀 aa4 indicates surprise or disapproval.
The effect is exaggerated to indicate heavy handed disapproval.
Their opinion may be recorded by pressing buttons during screening to indicate approval or disapproval.