In addition to reports by individual journalists or reporters, there is a large body of empirical research dealing with child rearing in kibbutzim.
There has been Twitter and the way individual journalists have used it to draw on the expertise of specialist followings.
He was especially shrewd at explaining how the government, by playing to the vanity of individual journalists, was able to manipulate the news.
If there is evidence linking individual journalists to terror outfits, investigating such links is both appropriate and necessary.
Entries are considered in more than 20 categories of reporting from material submitted by New York metropolitan area news organizations and individual journalists.
Energy of Word - An international media competition, which aims to encourage media and individual journalists to cover energy issues.
The editors say this is necessary because "collective voice and personality matter more than the identities of individual journalists" and reflects "a collaborative effort."
In 2000, a system of warnings was introduced for individual journalists, whereby repeat offenses can lead to dismissal.
It assumes that the decisions made by individual journalists or broadcasts shape the way we see.
It is left to individual journalists and contributors to do that.