In a small group (we were three), individually targeted tips soon follow.
All, even the smallest ships, are separated into sections, each of which can be individually targeted and destroyed.
Now councils were to be targeted individually, rather than as a group.
The law only prevents individually targeted jury tampering.
Individually targeted direct mail may be tailored based on previous transactions and gathered data.
(Sure, they could leave ugly comments and bad wiki edits, but that seems rather childish unless you're being targeted individually.)
In addition, there have been tests involving multiple weapon drops with each weapon being individually targeted.
It uses consumer shopping data to predict what consumers will be in market for next and combines personalized product recommendations with individually targeted messages and offers.
It looked to Brim as if each was individually targeted on his particular jump seat.
In order to motivate or persuade employees to participate and change behavior, messages should be individually targeted which results in more significant positive attitude change.