This is no longer true . . . when people with different abilities and inclinations make decisions in a free society, inequalities result.
Any inequality in the noise induced in each wire is an imbalance and will result in the noise not being fully cancelled.
The inequalities received by the tenants of the plantations resulted to the birth of an uprising that would change Philippine society forever.
Racial inequality can also result in diminished opportunities for members of marginalized groups, which in turn can lead to cycles of poverty and political marginalization.
These huge inequalities result in a less energetic, less productive economy.
In addition, other inequalities may result.
Dahl claims that such inequalities result from the "liberty to accumulate unlimited economic resources and to organize economic activity into hierarchically governed enterprises."
The marked inequality between the unarmed inhabitants and the well-equipped invaders resulted in a two-day bloody struggle.
They maintained that racial inequality had resulted in popular associations between school achievement and race.
Network governance theory suggests that partnerships should be equal, but inequalities of power within networks can result in hierarchical relationships determined by more dominant actors.