They don't say much about higher-order skills like inferential reasoning or problem-solving.
It mostly tests reading comprehension, asking children to analyze passages and in some cases to use inferential reasoning.
Other researchers have been exploring the development of informal inferential reasoning as a way to use these new methods to build a better understanding of statistical inference.
The expression res ipsa loquitur is not a doctrine but a "mode of inferential reasoning" and applies only to accidents of unknown cause.
Hrotsvitha's biography largely depends on her own accounts or results of inferential reasoning.
Like formal statistical inference, the purpose of informal inferential reasoning is to draw conclusions about a wider universe (population/process) from data (sample).
In statistics education literature, the term "informal" is used to distinguish informal inferential reasoning from a formal method of statistical inference.
Recent research suggests that students have some sound intuitions about data and these intuitions can be refined and nudged towards prescriptive theory of inferential reasoning.
Zieffler et al. (2008) suggest three types of tasks that have been used in studies of students' informal inferential reasoning and its development.
Explanations and context in the emergence of students' informal inferential reasoning.