His opposition to Civil War pensions and inflated currency also made enemies among veterans and farmers.
You can keep a highly inflated currency but allow your banks to take deposits from all comers (and scrabble to keep your haven status).
They paid inflated prices with an inflated currency.
Like any other inflated currency, grades can be brought into line only when a group - your department, your university, all universities - takes action.
The inti itself replaced another inflated currency, the sol, which was used between 1863 and 1985.
For several months, the state treasury has been issuing huge sums in inflated currency to cover a soaring gap between Gevernment revenue and spending.
A large portion of the "tax" also falls on foreign holders of fixed income debt in the inflated currency.
Life in Bulawayo consisted of cleaning auto windshields, collecting less than a dollar a day in the country's wildly inflated currency.
The sum, in Yugoslavia's inflated currency, is equal to about $225.
These terrorists, not Israel, spend innocent human life as if it were inflated currency of little worth.