As inflation climbs and gas revenues fall, living conditions are worsening.
For much of the week, the financial markets have reflected concerns among traders and investors that inflation was climbing.
The central bank hiked rates repeatedly as inflation climbed to nearly 20% in November.
At the same time inflation would climb.
When the economy emerged from its last downturn, in 1991, inflation was around 3 percent and climbed to 3.5 percent.
But "core" inflation, excluding food and energy prices, also climbed at a fairly steep rate of 2.1 percent.
The inflation of the 1970's cast doubt on fiscal policy's relevance, and the importance of money climbed.
But because of higher oil prices, inflation climbed to 4 percent in October.
But when inflation climbs to 3 to 4 percent, the average ratio falls to 17.6.
As inflation climbed through the 1960's, the real value of their endowments shrank.