Pilger has long been a critic of Australia, particularly its inherent racism and treatment of its indigenous population.
This is not the old-fashioned racism inherent in 'streaming' immigrant kids into vocational and technical courses.
Acknowledging the phenomenon, Mr. Purushothaman said there was "a sort of racism inherent in this."
Leaders in the black community and religious groups have come out against the proposed legislation citing its inherent racism and intolerance.
"I found out the hard way what happens when you speak out against inherent racism in the Marshals Service," Mr. Zanowic said.
No matter how much they talk about inclusion and diversity, there is inherent racism in their organization.
The innocent and naive characters are used to expose "the inherent racism in the Portuguese colonial government."
I was very clearly referring to the racism inherent in your arguments, which is an entirely different category of statement.
The inherent racism of both these comments was clearly evidenced in the comments, because they used gross stereotypes of whole populations of people.
As a result you may be motivated to read the texts as confirming the existence of a persistent and all-pervasive racism inherent in white society.