Four countries initially bid for the event but Australia, France and Latvia withdrew during the bidding process.
Above $90 a Share The $107 a share is significantly above the $90 a share that Mr. Davis initially bid.
Investors initially bid Deutsche Post shares down, but they recovered, rising 0.24 euro, to 13.85 euros ($13.19), in Frankfurt, as competitors lauded the ruling.
I.B.M. led the list, as investors initially bid it up more than 4 points, to 53 1/4.
Industry insiders said the group had initially bid for SCI Holdings' cable properties.
Hoffmann-La Roche initially bid $72 a share late on Jan. 4.
The company, which outbid two competitors, had initially bid $20 million.
"They didn't even bid initially," he said.
Smith & Nephew initially bid for Centerpulse in March, offering no premiums.
The following companies and partnerships initially bid for the JLTV contract: