It initially emerged from its remote home spending most of its time near the south celestial pole.
The movement, which focused on the recording and distribution of music on low-quality cassette tapes, initially emerged in the 1980s.
During the forest's geological evolutionary process, flora initially emerged in oceans 630 million years ago.
Phenomenography, an approach to educational research that appeared in publications in the early 1980s, initially emerged from an empirical rather than theoretical or philosophical basis.
Their identity emerged initially in the first half of the 10th century, and gradually evolved over succeeding centuries.
Martin's work on genre initially emerged from educational research from 1979, describing the types of texts that students are expected to write in school.
Bildungsbürgertum was the term for a new social class that initially emerged in Germany in the mid-18th century.
It was here that Atiśa's potential as an extraordinary religious and spiritual leader initially emerged.
Art colonies initially emerged as village movements in the 19th and early 20th century.
We initially emerged as people living verly close to the earth, and the earth provided everything we needed.