He said that an intelligence report on the matter was initially suppressed within the C.I.A., and was later distributed in an abbreviated form.
The novel was initially suppressed on the grounds of its scandalous nature and Manley was arrested and tried, but it was immediately popular and went into seven editions.
Patton's actions were initially suppressed in the news until journalist Drew Pearson publicized them, drawing significant attention in the United States.
Christianity certainly arrived in Wales sometime during the Roman occupation, but it was initially suppressed.
After their public campaigns were initially suppressed, many believed that negotiation was completely incapable of meeting their aspirations.
Due to the fierce resistance of the Xia against the Mongol attacks, especially in causing the death of Genghis, they were initially suppressed in the Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368).
Donen later acknowledged it had initially suppressed information about the fire.
The Native American religion was initially suppressed by the colonists who came from Europe with their own particular goals.
Initially suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church, his theological work has had considerable influence and is widely taught in Catholic and most mainline Protestant seminaries.
The ruling was initially suppressed from 24 March 2011 to September 2011.