The Bush plan seeks to inject competition into Medicare, on the premise that market forces will hold down costs.
'Joachim and Stein injected you all on the way here.'
She exchanged the tricorder for a hypospray, and injected him on the side of his knee.
Others inject on the big-toe side of the heel or arch.
An afterburner may be used to inject extra fuel into the hot exhaust, especially on military "fast jets".
He then injected diesel fuel into the exhaust outlet on the left side of the hull.
There is no surplus because the government has to inject on every nearly four times the amounts of contributions made by the employees.
Fox surely injected a new partisan perspective into political coverage on television.
The producers attempted to inject new life on the show by changing this set once.
He injected himself on camera during a live television debate on drug abuse, despite being on bail at the time.