His keen, grey eyes intently scanned her face for the least sign of what was really in her heart.
Divorced from the conversation, Data scanned intently ahead with his tricorder as they rounded a corner.
Fafhrd continued to scan intently the swelling, sliding waters.
Crowded in the corvette's science laboratory, Quinn's survey team intently scanned the planet with every passive means available.
He and more than a dozen highly paid young traders and portfolio managers scan intently.
He was intently scanning the empty landscape on all sides.
Miles intently scanned every inch of Scott's face in minute detail.
The man with the rifle intently scanned the south shore.
Leaning comfortably against a nearby pillar, he scanned intently the people gliding past on the moving sidewalk.
In the center of the oval, two figures stood together, one intently scanning the crowd, the other casually leaning on a bladed staff.