The two main cigarette brands are Colonial and Independence, an interesting irony in a country which received its independence from Great Britain in 1981.
In an interesting irony, Mark Foley, the man Mahoney replaced had been a Democrat who turned Republican shortly before his own initial election to Congress.
Nevertheless," T'Lera pursued her thought relentlessly, "one might perceive an interesting irony in the use of the term in a sport not noted for its "love" of anything, except perhaps aggressiveness.
Degas, mindful of this, presents an interesting irony - while the young woman waits to make her entrance the older woman waits for her to leave.
That's an interesting irony, and Ms. Pearson may well be touching upon it when she has Gaby note at one discouraged juncture, "I think I'm living in a 'Saturday Night Live' skit."
My radar was up; tired as I was, I knew an interesting irony when it hit me in the face.
The interesting irony in his position is that he would have been one of the beneficiaries had it succeeded.
In another interesting irony, one of his Roman Catholic masses was performed in 1620, just before his execution, in a Catholic church in Prague, to great ceremony.
There are some interesting ironies here.
"It's an interesting irony," Rabbi Berger said at the Havdalah ceremony.