It was the first international declaration underlining the importance of primary health care.
The Earth Charter is an international declaration of fundamental values and principles to build a just, sustainable, and peaceful global society in the 21st century.
At least three international declarations and covenants proclaim the right of all people to leave and return to their country at will.
The appellants also contended that the ban was a violation of the international declarations of human rights.
Consequently, there was no consideration of international declarations of human rights in the judgment.
The reforms did not attract much attention from the general public until after the international declaration of intent was signed.
To implement the Australian Government's obligations as a signatory to international declarations on the rights of people with disabilities.
The 20th century saw a number of international declarations supporting animal rights.
This is not compatible with the spirit and letter of European and international declarations of human rights.
Have you read the international declaration of human rights?